Penn Arts & Sciences 60-Second Slam

Join Penn Arts & Sciences for a virtual Alumni Weekend edition of its famous 60-Second Lectures. The lectures, given by the School’s foremost faculty, students, and alumni, prove that a world of knowledge can be condensed into just one minute. Find out how these Quakers—backed by the Power of Penn—are impacting their communities and the world as critical thinkers, problem solvers, and leaders. Attendees will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite lecture.
Featured Speakers
The Growing Fragmentation of Entertainment
Khari Austin-Rawls, C’16
Senior Manager at ESPN+ Marketing, The Walt Disney Company
Being Stuck “Here”: Comics’ Lessons for Pandemic Living
Jean-Christophe Cloutier, Associate Professor of English
People Want to Give—My Career in Philanthropy
Melissa Birnbaum Greenberg, C’91
Executive Vice President and Chief Development Officer, Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia
Yet by Grace, I Belong
Shawn Kim, C’21, Sociology
How to Run a Successful Meeting
Ilana Gromis Levin, C’11, GED’13
Director, Apollo Global Management, Inc.
The Power of Leadership
Tia Livingston, C’20, LPS’21, Master of Public Administration
Sub-Cellular Submarines: Exploring Biology With Ultrasound-Powered Nanorobots
Jeffrey McNeill, Ph.D. Student, Chemistry
Already Forgotten: The Deaf Community and COVID-19
Emma Ronzetti, C’21, Economics
What Makes a Photograph Memorable?
Nicole Rust, Associate Professor of Psychology
Why You Are a Mutant
Paul Sniegowski, Stephen A. Levin Family Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences and Professor of Biology
For more information about this year's virtual Alumni Weekend, please click HERE.