60-Second Slam
3417 Spruce Street, Philadelphia
This event is now at capacity. Watch the livestream on Facebook at Twitter @pennsas.
Join us for breakfast and an hour-long roundup of our famous 60-Second Lectures. The live lectures, given by Penn Arts and Sciences’ foremost faculty, students, and alumni, prove that a world of knowledge can be condensed into just one minute. Vote for your favorite lecture and see who walks away with the grand prize. Email events@sas.upenn.edu for more information.
Heads or Tails? Life Lessons From a Coin Flip
Sudeep Bhatia, Assistant Professor of Psychology
The Green Space Paradox and the Inequities of Urban Greening Initiatives
Prithi Chandra, LPS'23, Master’s of Environmental Studies
How Everyone Can Help Treat Panic Disorder
Julia Esposito, C'22, Physics
When a Manager Wants You to Succeed by Letting You Fail
Marina Field, C'96, Psychology
Organizational Psychology Lecturer and Career Coach
Growing Up Grieving: The Influence of Loss on Childhood Development
Meg Gladieux, C'23, Cognitive Science and French and Francophone Studies
I Apologize for the Next 60 Seconds
Michael Gordon, C'87, Communications
Principal, Group Gordon
Legal Shrapnel: How Same-Sex Couples Are Cut Out of the Parenting Equation
Collin Kather, LPS'23, Master’s of Public Administration and Public Health
What Is the Time?
Joseph Squillaro, C'22, Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Helping America's Forgotten COVID-19 Grievers
Daniel Treglia, Associate Professor of Practice in the College of Liberal and Professional Studies