$50 Million Legacy Gift to Penn Arts & Sciences Funds Undergraduate Aid


Throughout his lifetime, and now through an estate gift of over $42 million, William J. Levy, W’57, L’64, has contributed $50 million in support of undergraduate students in the College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania who have demonstrated a desire to contribute to society.

“During his life, Bill Levy was a Penn student, alumnus, and dedicated friend to Penn. Generously establishing the William J. Levy Endowed Scholarship over two decades ago, he shared our belief that service-oriented leadership is crucial to making headway on the great challenges of our time,” said Interim President J. Larry Jameson. “I am deeply grateful for this gift that will support deserving undergraduates with a proven commitment to their communities. His legacy will not only uplift future leaders, but it will also touch societies far beyond Penn’s campus.”

The William J. Levy Endowed Scholarship Fund will support over 40 civic-minded students in the College annually, providing an opportunity for them to receive a Penn Arts & Sciences education, regardless of their financial backgrounds.

“Bill’s gift will directly impact the lives of undergraduate students at Penn for decades to come, ushering in a new generation of service-oriented leaders that will help change the world for the better,” said Steven J. Fluharty, Dean and Thomas S. Gates, Jr. Professor of Psychology, Pharmacology, and Neuroscience.

Levy grew up in Pittsburgh where his family owned the Warren Grocery Company chain of stores. He graduated from the Wharton School in 1957 and then served in the Navy for two years. After briefly working for his father, Levy returned to Penn to attend law school, graduating in 1964. He went on to work in the Philadelphia Public Defenders office and the U.S. Attorney’s office in Washington, D.C., and eventually founded the private investment firm of Warren-Potomac, Inc.

A private man with a dry wit and an avid art collector, Levy was a dedicated friend and mentor who never missed an opportunity to attend scholarship events and meet with students. His philanthropy extended beyond Penn, including contributions to various organizations supporting the arts and championing equal rights for the LGBTQ+ community.


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