Joseph Kable Named Jean-Marie Kneeley President's Distinguished Professor

Joseph Kable, Jean-Marie Kneeley President's Distinguished Professor of Psychology

Joseph Kable has been named Jean-Marie Kneeley President's Distinguished Professor of Psychology in Penn Arts & Sciences. Kable researches psychological and neural mechanisms of choice behavior to understand how people make decisions. His other research interests include behavioral and cognitive neuroscience, decision processes, and individual differences. He is an author of over 100 articles in publications including Nature Human Behaviour, Nature Neuroscience, Neuron, and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and has received grants from organizations including the National Science Foundation and the NIH. He was honored with an Early Career Award from the Society for Neuroeconomics.

Kable is the director of MindCORE, Penn’s hub for integrative study of the mind. He was president of the Society for Neuroeconomics, and is a member of the Society for Neuroscience and the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, and a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science. He has a secondary appointment as a professor of marketing at Wharton.  

The Penn Arts & Sciences Board of Advisors established this endowed professorship in honor of Jean-Marie Kneeley in 2021. Kneeley served as Vice Dean for Advancement for the School for 26 years. Many Board members, alumni, friends, and colleagues generously donated to create this professorship in honor of her retirement and her service to Penn and the School of Arts & Sciences.


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