Beth Simmons Appointed Penn Integrates Knowledge Professor

President Amy Gutmann and Provost Vincent Price are pleased to announce the appointment of Beth Simmons as the University of Pennsylvania’s 18th Penn Integrates Knowledge University Professor, effective July 1, 2016.  

A world-renowned authority on international relations and human rights, Simmons is the Andrea Mitchell University Professor, with joint faculty appointments in the Law School and the Department of Political Science in Penn Arts and Sciences. 

“Beth Simmons' award-winning scholarship spans international politics, law, and human rights,” said Penn President Amy Gutmann. “She not only ranks at the top of her field as a scholar, she also is a universally admired teacher and mentor whose students have themselves gone on to illustrious careers. Simmons' recruitment to Penn was clinched by a consummately collaborative, interdisciplinary team that spans multiple disciplines. Coupled with the opening of a stunning global hub on Penn's central campus, Perry World House, Simmons' arrival as the Andrea Mitchell University Professor in law and political science catapults Penn forward in its capacity to tackle the most challenging issues in global affairs.

"I speak on behalf of the deans and the entire university in thanking Andrea Mitchell for her visionary and far-reaching support. This is the latest example of how the Penn Integrates Knowledge (PIK) University Professorship program—with a stellar cohort of preeminent professors that spans Penn's schools—is fueling the most innovative interdisciplinary and collaborative scholarship and teaching in the world. My thanks to all the generous donors who have endowed PIK University professorships.”

To read the full announcement, click here.

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