Bhuvnesh Jain One of Five Faculty to Lead Penn AI Council

As part of the Penn AI initiative, the Office of the Vice Provost for Research has established the Penn AI Council, a group of five faculty crossing an array of disciplines who will lead the effort to map and strengthen Penn’s AI community. This includes Bhuvnesh Jain, Walter H. and Leonore C. Annenberg Professor in the Natural Sciences and Co-Director of the Data Driven Discovery Initiative.
The Council is a major step in implementing In Principle and Practice, the University’s strategic framework positioning Penn as an engaged, forward-thinking institution. Data is one of the great challenges outlined in the strategic plan, and affects nearly every aspect of society.
Other council members include Marylyn Ritchie, Edward Rose, MD and Elizabeth Kirk Rose, MD Professor and Vice Dean of Artificial Intelligence and Computing at the Perelman School of Medicine (PSOM); René Vidal, Rachleff University Professor, with joint appointments in PSOM and the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS); Eric Bradlow, Vice Dean of AI and Analytics at the Wharton School; and Duncan Watts, Stevens University Professor with appointments in SEAS, the Annenberg School for Communication, and Wharton.
In addition to strengthening Penn’s AI community, the Penn AI Council will act as strategic advisors to University leadership, coordinate cross-school research opportunities, support new AI and data scientists, and lead the planning for and implementation of the Penn Advanced Research Computing Center, which will provide a central platform for high-performance computational and data-driven research across campus. The Council will eventually be complemented by a larger Advisory Committee to support the evolution of Penn’s AI ecosystem, made up of faculty representing a wide range of disciplines and all 12 schools.
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