The Center for the Advanced Study of India Announces Second Sobti Family Fellow

The Center for the Advanced Study of India (CASI) announced today the second Sobti Family post-baccalaureate Fellow, Sindhuri Nandhakumar, C’14, for the 2015-16 year.

Established through a gift from Penn parents Rajiv Sobti, Gr’84, and Slomi Sobti, the Sobti Family Fellowship is the first program at Penn to provide funding for a recent graduate of the University of Pennsylvania to conduct an independent research project in India.

“My time at Penn (and after) helped me gain a better understanding of my professional interests. Rather unexpectedly, I discovered that a creative career is important to me,” says Sindhu, who had the opportunity to develop a full-length play in Toronto this past year.

Sindhu’s research will focus on the artistic communities in Chennai and Mumbai and she hopes to learn more about the community-wide changes in the English language theater sector in India.

To learn more, visit CASI's site.

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