Hannah Feldman Named Katherine Stein Sachs, CW’69, and Keith L. Sachs, W’67, Associate Professor of History of Art

Hannah Feldman

Hannah Feldman has been named Katherine Stein Sachs, CW’69, and Keith L. Sachs, W’67, Associate Professor of History of Art. A leading scholar of contemporary art, Feldman’s research is focused on global modern, contemporary art, and urban space, with a particular recent focus on the artistic cultures of the Middle East and North Africa. She is the author of From a Nation Torn: Decolonizing Art and Representation in France, 1945-1962 (Duke University Press 2014) and the editor of a forthcoming catalogue about Huguette Caland. She has also published dozens of peer-reviewed scholarly articles and chapters in books and has three books in progress, as well as a co-edited volume on contemporary arts writing.

Feldman’s service and affiliations include not only previous departmental roles such as director of both Graduate Studies and Undergraduate Studies for the Department of Art History at Northwestern University, but also recent roles such as the curator of an upcoming exhibition at The Arts Club of Chicago, and the curator for a major retrospective to open at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid, Spain.

She has received numerous fellowships, research support, and awards, including the Andrew W. Mellon New Directions Fellowship and a Getty Research Institute Fellowship. She was Invited Senior Researcher in Residence at INHA and a scholar in residence for several years at the CORE Program in Houston. She received the Weinberg College Award for Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research and was repeatedly nominated for the Weinberg College Award for Excellence in Graduate Mentoring.

Katherine Stein Sachs, CW’69, and the late Keith L. Sachs, W’67, established this professorship in 2005. Katherine Sachs, an adjunct curator at the Philadelphia Museum of Art for many years, is a member of the Penn Live Arts Board of Advisors and an emeritus member of the University Board of Trustees and the ICA Board of Advisors, which she chaired. They generously supported the arts at Penn over the years, including establishing the Sachs Program for Arts Innovation.

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