Philip T. Gressman Named a 2025 American Mathematical Society Fellow

Philip Gressman

Professor of Mathematics Philip T. Gressman has been named a 2025 fellow of the American Mathematical Society, an honor given to those who have made “outstanding contributions to the creation, exposition, advancement, communication, and utilization of mathematics.” Gressman joins 40 other mathematicians named as fellows of the program, now in its 13th year. He is the 22nd mathematician from Penn to receive the honor.
The goals of the fellow program include creating an “enlarged class of mathematicians recognized by their peers as distinguished for their contributions to the profession,” as well as to “lift the morale of the profession; make mathematicians more competitive for awards, promotion, and honors; and support the advancement of more mathematicians in leadership positions in their own institutions and in the broader society.”
Gressman’s research interests lie at the intersection of harmonic analysis and geometry, including the study of geometric averaging operators (generalizing the Radon transform), oscillatory integral operators, sublevel set estimates, Fourier restriction, and related objects. He arrived at Penn in 2008.

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