The Power of Partnerships
This April we launched the Power of Penn Arts & Sciences, a campaign that will strengthen our foundations and stretch our frontiers. We know that the School is powered by its people, from students to faculty and staff to alumni and friends. We each bring our own passions and strengths to Penn, and together, we are making a difference in the lives of people around the world.
I see this in three of our most involved supporters. Michael Price, W’79; Andrea Mitchell, CW’67, HON’18; and P. Roy Vagelos, C’50, PAR’90, HON’99, are absolutely committed to giving back to Penn. They have different experiences and interests, but the scope of inquiry at Penn Arts and Sciences makes it possible for each of them to find a channel for their aspirations, and connects them to faculty and student work in powerful ways that have an enormous impact.
Michael Price, Senior Managing Director of Evercore Partners and Chair of the Power of Penn Arts & Sciences Campaign, often says that he’s enjoyed being able to expand his knowledge and explore new ideas as a School Overseer. His desire to share this experience and to democratize learning motivated him and his wife, Vikki, to support the Price Center for Digital Humanities, where technology is providing new avenues for teaching, learning, and research, on campus and beyond.
After decades in the thick of the political arena, Andrea Mitchell, Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent for NBC and Chair of the Arts and Sciences Board of Overseers, deeply values thoughtful inquiry and civil discourse. She and her husband, Alan Greenspan, made a gift to name the Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy—an unparalleled platform for students, faculty, and the public to explore some of society’s most pressing concerns.
As a physician, former Chair and CEO of Merck, and Chair of Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Roy Vagelos is a practical man who has dealt with big problems. He and his wife, Diana, believe climate change is a threat to the people of the world, and over the past seven years their support for programs like the undergraduate dual degree known as the Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research and the Vagelos Institute for Energy Science and Technology has made Penn one of the premier energy research and technology centers in the nation.
Whatever your interests and abilities, you can find an avenue for them at Penn Arts and Sciences. Your passion, joined with our possibilities, can make a difference at Penn and in the city, the nation, and the world. These connections are the Power of Penn Arts & Sciences.
Yours in partnership,
Jean-Marie Kneeley
Vice Dean for Advancement