Undergraduate Studies

The College of Arts and Sciences

The largest of Penn’s undergraduate schools, the College of Arts and Sciences provides students with critical perspectives on their world and with the fundamental intellectual skills necessary for engaging it.

Click here for the list of majors offered in the College.

Undergraduate Programs at the College of Liberal and Professional Studies

The College of Liberal and Professional studies offers opportunities to earn a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Fine Arts to working adults looking to expand their knowledge and skills for personal and professional growth; international students seeking an exceptional study-abroad opportunity; adults without previous college experience who are ready to take on a new challenge; and high school students seeking academically rigorous pre-college experiences. Also offered are non-degree undergraduate-level courses.

Dual Degree Undergraduate Programs

The Huntsman Program in International Studies and Business is a unique, coordinated dual degree in the liberal arts, business and language studies that prepares students for careers in international business, law, diplomacy and journalism. Focusing on international studies and area studies, students develop the perspective needed for success in an increasingly global economy. Huntsman students earn a B.A. in International Studies from SAS and a B.S. in Economics from the Wharton School.

The Roy and Diana Vagelos Program in Life Sciences and Management (LSM) fuses science and management education and prepares students for careers in such rapidly expanding fields as pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. LSM students earn a B.A. in a science major from SAS and a B.S. in Economics from the Wharton School.

The Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research (VIPER) offers students instruction and state of the art research experiences, enabling them to contine on to advanced degrees in fields of science and engineering. These experiences encourage and foster the pursuit of high-caliber careers as innovators in the discovery and development of sustainable ways to harness, convert and use energy.