There is no mandatory retirement age for members of the Standing Faculty.
Faculty members who elect to receive benefits from the early retirement income allowance program between age 62 and 68 should notify the department chair a year (or more) in advance in writing. Details concerning this program are available from the Dean's Office. The Chair will forward this request to the Dean. Upon approval, the information will be sent to the Benefits Office so that arrangements for retirement benefits can be made.
- Emeritus Status
Tenured members of the Standing Faculty who retire shall be automatically designated "emeritus" upon retirement. Those who wish to defer the title emeritus may do so, upon notification to the Dean's Office.
- Employment after Retirement
The School of Arts and Sciences is fortunate to be able to draw on the talents and experience of its retired faculty. Employment of retired faculty may be for research, special projects, teaching in the regular daytime academic-year program of the School, and teaching in LPS, Summer Sessions, or Dynamics of Organization. The department Chair may request that a retired faculty member continue to teach or carry on compensated research activity on a part-time basis. The Chair's letter to the Dean should indicate the period of such appointment and the source of the funds. For those who teach, include recent teaching evaluations. According to University policy, employment of retired faculty must be approved one year at a time by the Provost's Staff Conference. Agreements to employ for periods longer than one academic year must state clearly that annual approval of the Provost's Staff Conference is required.
- Employment of Retired Faculty for Teaching in the Regular Daytime Academic-Year Program
Employment of a retired faculty member for teaching in the regular daytime academic-year program of the School requires annual approval by the Department Chair, the Dean, and the Provost's Staff Conference.
The School of Arts and Sciences will enter into agreements to employ retired faculty for teaching in the regular daytime academic year program of the School, where appropriate and where approved by the Dean. The agreements will state that employment is subject, among other factors, to annual determination of (1) the availability of resources, (2) appropriate enrollment levels in each course, and (3) demonstration of effective teaching. Agreements are limited to six consecutive semesters of employment at most and are subject to annual approval by the Provost's Staff Conference. If mutually desirable, in unusual circumstances an agreement to employ a retired faculty member may be renewed beyond six consecutive semesters.
Teaching by retired faculty in the regular daytime academic-year program of the School will be compensated at the prevailing LPS full professor rate and is limited to a maximum of four courses per academic year. The course limit does not include evening and summer teaching.