Table of Contents


  1. Faculty Classification System
    1. The Standing Faculty
    2. The Associated Faculty
    3. The Academic Support Staff
  2. General Policies for Initiation and Review of Academic Appointments and Promotions
    1. Affirmative Action
    2. Departmental Responsibility
    3. Important Points to be Addressed in Cases at the Rank of Associate Professor or Professor
    4. Responsibilities of the Department Chair
    5. Review by SAS Dean
    6. The SAS Personnel Committee
    7. Review by University
    8. Appointments to Named Chairs
    9. Confidentiality of Employee Records
    10. Further Comments
  3. The Standing Faculty of Arts & Sciences 
    1. New Appointments
      1. Authorization for Appointment
      2. Search Procedures
      3. Letters of Recommendation from External Reviewers
      4. Dossier for Appointment
      5. Letter Offering Appointment
      6. Candidate's Letter of Acceptance
      7. Notification of Appointment
      8. Dean's Letter of Appointment
      9. Appointment Prior to Receipt of the Ph.D.
      10. Appointment Prior to Receipt of the Appropriate Visa
      11. Appointment of Associate Professor without Tenure
    2. Reappointment of Assistant Professor
      1. Term of Reappointment
      2. Deadlines for Recommendations
      3. Dossier for Reappointment
      4. Notification of Candidate
      5. Procedures when Department does not Recommend Reappointment
      6. Procedures for Resubmission of Case by Department
    3. Promotion to Associate Professor
      1. Affirmative Action Requirements
      2. External Reviewers
      3. Deadlines for Recommendations
      4. Dossier for Promotion to Associate Professor
      5. Notification of Candidate
      6. Procedures when the Department does not Recommend Promotion
      7. Procedures for Resubmission of Case by Department
    4. Associate Professor--Conversion to Tenure
    5. Promotion to Professor
      1. Affirmative Action Requirements
      2. External Reviewers
      3. Deadlines for Recommendation
      4. Dossier for Promotion to Professor
      5. Procedures for Resubmission of Case by Department
    6. Procedures for Resubmission of cases for reappointment of Assistant Professor, promotion to Associate Professor with tenure, or promotion to Full Professor
    7. Faculty Leaves of Absence
      1. Scholarly Leave
        1. Scholarly Leaves without Salary
        2. Scholarly Leaves with Salary
      2. Research Leaves for Assistant Professors
      3. Leaves for Employment Elsewhere
      4. Reduction in Duties
      5. Other Leaves
      6. Application for Leave of Absence
      7. Inactive Status
      8. Resignation While on Leave
      9. Faculty Parental Policy: Active Service Modified Duties
    8. Resignations from the Standing Faculty
    9. Retirement from the Standing Faculty
      1. Emeritus Status
      2. Employment after Retirement
      3. Employment of Retired Faculty for Teaching in the Regular Day Time Academic-Year Program
    10. Secondary Appointments
    11. Transfer of Standing Faculty to School of Arts and Sciences from another School in the University
    12. Joint Appointment of Standing Faculty in the School of Arts and Sciences and Another School in the University
  4. The Associated Faculty
    1. The Research Faculty
      1. New Appointments
        1. Authorization for Appointment
        2. Search Procedures
        3. Letters of Recommendation from External Reviewers
        4. Dossier for Appointment of Research Faculty
        5. Letter Offering Appointment
        6. Candidate's Letter of Acceptance
        7. Notification of Appointment
        8. Dean's Letter of Appointment
      2. Reappointment
        1. Term of Reappointment
        2. Deadlines for Recommendations
        3. Dossier for Reappointment as Research Assistant Professor
        4. Notification of Candidate
        5. Procedures when Department does not Recommend Reappointment
      3. Promotion to Research Associate Professor
      4. Promotion to Research Professor
      5. Reappointment as Research Associate Professor or Research Professor
    2. Adjunct Faculty
    3. Visiting Faculty
    4. Wistar Institute Appointments
    5. Artist-in-Residence 
  5. Academic Support Staff
    1. Senior Lecturer
      1. Dossier for Appointment or Reappointment
      2. Deadlines for Recommendations
      3. Appeal Procedures
    2. Lecturer in Foreign Languages
      1. Dossier for Initial Appointment or Reappointment through the third year
      2. Dossier for Reappointment beyond the Third Year
      3. Deadlines for Recommendations
      4. Appeal Procedures
    3. Senior Lecturer in Foreign Languages
      1. Dossier for Appointment or Reappointment
      2. Deadlines for Recommendations
      3. Appeal Procedures
    4. Appointments Requiring the Dean's Approval
      1. Lecturer
      2. Postdoctoral Fellow
      3. Research Investigator and Research Associate
      4. Senior Fellow and Visiting Scholar
      5. Request for Appointment or Reappointment of Academic Support Staff
    5. Appointments Requiring Only the Approval of the Department
      1. Teaching Assistant
      2. Research Fellow
      3. Research Assistant

SAS Form 99-1 pdf Word Notification of Action
SAS Form 99-2 pdf Word Request for Appointment/Reappointment of Academic Support Staff
SAS Form 99-3 pdf Word Faculty Equal Opportunity Compliance Statement (New Appointments - Standing Faculty)
SAS Form 99-3a pdf Word Faculty Equal Opportunity Compliance Statement (New Appointments - Associated Faculty/Academic Support Staff)
SAS Form 99-3b pdf   Voluntary Self Identification Form
SAS Form 99-4 pdf Word Faculty Equal Opportunity Compliance Statement (Promotions)
SAS Form 99-5 pdf Word Faculty Equal Opportunity Compliance Statement (Terminations)
SAS Form 99-6 pdf   Certification of English Fluency in the Classroom
SAS Form 99-7 pdf Word Appointment to Assistant Professor
SAS Form 99-8 pdf Word Appointment to Associate Professor without Tenure
SAS Form 99-9 pdf Word Reappointment as Assistant Professor
SAS Form 99-10 pdf Word Promotion to Associate Professor
SAS Form 99-11 pdf Word Appointment to Professor or Associate Professor with Tenure
SAS Form 99-12 pdf Word Promotion to Full Professor
SAS Form 99-13 pdf Word Appointment/Reappointment/Promotion to the Associated Faculty
SAS Form 99-14 pdf Word Appointment/Reappointment as Senior Lecturer, Lecturer in Foreign Languages (beyond the third consecutive year), or Senior Lecturer in Foreign Languages
SAS Form 99-15 pdf Word Teaching Chronicle
SAS Form 99-16 pdf Word Distribution of Standing Faculty (and sample)
SAS Form 99-17   Word Request for Approval of Extramural Consultants
SAS Form 99-18 pdf Word Suggested Letter to External Reviewers—Appointment/Promotion to Associate Professor with tenure or Appointment/Promotion to  Professor
SAS Form 99-20 pdf Word List of Publications Sent to Dean's Office
SAS Form 99-21 pdf Word Letter Notification of Termination of Appointment/Letter Notification of Waiver Request and Termination of Appointment
    Application for Leave of Absence
SAS Form 99-23 pdf Word Research Leaves for Assistant Professors
SAS Form 99-24 pdf Word Proposal for Secondary Appointment or Reappointment with Voting Rights
SAS Appendix 99-25 pdf   Research Faculty
SAS Form 99-26 pdf Word Sample Letter for Undergraduate Student Evaluation of Teaching
SAS Form 99-27 pdf Word Sample Letter for Graduate Student Evaluation of Teaching
SAS Form 99-28 pdf Word Current Grant Support
SAS Form 99-29 pdf Word Pending Grant Support
SAS Form 99-30 pdf Word Past Grant Support
SAS Form 99-31 pdf Word Appointment to Research Assistant Professor
SAS Form 99-32 pdf Word Appointment to Research Professor or Research Associate Professor
SAS Form 99-33 pdf Word Reappointment as Research Assistant Professor
SAS Form 99-34 pdf Word Promotion to Research Associate Professor
SAS Form 99-35 pdf Word Promotion to Research Professor
SAS Form 99-36 pdf Word Reappointment as Research Associate Professor or Research Professor