We’re thrilled you are considering pursuing graduate education at the School of Arts & Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania.

The Graduate Division of Penn Arts & Sciences is a vibrant community of dedicated scholars and teachers who are advancing knowledge and creating the future of their fields.

Explore our Graduate Groups

Learn about our 33 graduate groups in the humanities and social and natural sciences. 

I am interested in comparative politics and the political economy of development, with a focus on environmental politics in developing countries. I'm studying the political and institutional conditions that facilitate large scale renewable energeies' private investments in Latin America.


Santiago Cunial
Ph.D. Candidate, Political Science

While the Office of the Graduate Division serves as the processing center for all graduate admission applications to the School of Arts and Sciences, the best sources of information about our graduate programs are the graduate publications and the graduate groups themselves. Information about Non-Traditional Graduate Studies Programs can be obtained from the Office of Liberal and Professional Studies (LPS). A good source for information about graduate student life in general is the Graduate Student Center.