Ph.D. students engaged in early or intermediate stages of dissertation research may be nominated by their Graduate Group for the combined Penfield, Teece, and SAS Dissertation Research Award competition. The dollar amount of these awards depends on the research budget submitted by the student and evaluated by the committee. Awards are based on the overall funds available each year.
Penfield Awards, funded by a bequest that dates from 1930, are intended to aid students of “diplomacy, international affairs, and belles-lettres” who require travel abroad to complete their research. ‘Belles-lettres’ is no longer as clear a category as it was in 1930, but quite a few topics in the humanities will be considered under this rubric.
Teece Awards were created in 2007 through the generosity of David and Leigh Teece. These awards are for graduate students working in the physical and social sciences who are doing applied research that is empirical or field based in nature and interdisciplinary in its foundations. Teece Awards may cover any element of research expense, travel, books, data acquisition, and tuition.
SAS Dissertation Research Awards (DRAs) are supported by the School’s unrestricted funds, so they can aid students not eligible for a Penfield or Teece Award. In addition, once the Penfield and Teece funds are exhausted, students who would otherwise be eligible for those competitions may receive a DRA if they rank higher than remaining candidates in the combined pool of nominees.
Please note that the purpose of Penfield, Teece, and DRA Awards is to support graduate students while they are working on their dissertations. Thus, to be eligible a student must have an approved dissertation proposal prior to nomination.